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martial law artinya

contoh kalimat "martial law"
  • General Taylor declared martial law about an hour ago.
    Jendral Taylor memberlakukan hukum Darurat Militer sejam lalu.
  • Sir, you are subject to arrest under martial law
    Tuan, kau ditangkap atas perintah militer
  • As you know, we are under martial law.
    Seperti yang Anda ketahui, negara ini dijalankan oleh militer.
  • Other than imposing martial law and suspending constitutional rights.
    Selain memberlakukan darurat militer dan menangguhkan hak konstitusional.
  • The president of the United States has declared martial law.
    Presiden Amerika Serikat telah mengumumkan darurat militer.
  • It's almost like they're instituting their own martial law.
    Ini seperti mereka membentuk darurat militer.
  • Martial law has been implemented in 42 countries.
    Hukum perang diterapkan di 42 negara.
  • ...because our government has no right to declare martial law!
    ...karena pemerintah tak berhak mengumumkan keadaan darurat militer!
  • Martial law has been declared in 28 nations
    Jam malam diberlakukan di 28 negara..,..
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the body of law imposed by the military over civilian affairs (usually in time of war or civil crisis); overrides civil law